The main topic of this website concerns the evolution of consciousness through new sister seeing. While you can evolve your perception and consciousness without ‘sister eyes’ it is a unique and empowering methodology for sisters. Take a moment and set two terms side by side (sisterize and brotherize). Sense the uniqueness of the aims. While you can evolutionize consciousness without gender expression, ask what is your stimulus for doing so. How shall you gain new views without new prompts? And, what is this ‘evolutionary consciousness’ being spoken of?

Most people have only heard the word consciousness used in the ideal of consciousness, subconsciousness and  unconsciousness. The evolution of consciousness in modern times concerns much more than being awake in the morning and your senses guiding you throughout the day or emotional ruffles hiding in your subconsciousness and even more that the unconscious collective data in the airways that most of us live by. An evolution of consciousness has nothing to do with conscious, subconscious and unconscious behaviors. Quite the reversal, it is about consciousness awareness on a more universal scale. This universal scale does not imply you know about the stars or astrology or the physics of anti-matter. It could include such research but a universal scale, as used here, implies the ability to reach the interior of consciousness as it is something of a primordial point of infinite potential across species and intelligences, known and unknown. The beginning stages of ‘consciousness’ were just that, the beginning of even using a word such as consciousness in regard to the human experience. This awareness begins by asking what was ‘consciousness’ before human beings existed?

Consciousness has always been around. A tree or a planet has consciousness and intelligence and even language unlike the human experience. Many people think that consciousness, intelligence and language is about the mind. Are you aware that your bodies have consciousness and intelligence as well. Each cell contains living intelligence to perform its life task. Some have evolved to see this more expansive design of the universe but unlike those who have experience communication with their inner self or even a tree, some people are saying that consciousness is energy, but it is best to not limit its potential by placing a one word definition upon it such as ‘energy’ for consciousness is only beginning to let us know more about it, still an enigmatic invisible mystery but one that will speak to us of many consciousness streams ‘beyond’ our understanding if we begin to understand its language. For example, ‘energy consciousness is different from consciousness as energy.

Beyond being awake and pouring ‘informational data’ into the mind that we commonly call learning, is an awareness experience unlike collecting data through imitation and memorization. An expansion of consciousness is when a part of you comes into communication with something beyond thinking and beyond the senses, beyond collective mass consciousness. This does not imply hearing voices in your head. It is not that. Nor is it telepathy. It is a more expansive ideal of transference beyond Carl Jung’s ideal of person to person transference. 

The rarity of the universal transference experience is not because we cannot do it. It is because ‘learning’ has been said to be that of ‘following’ what is written. Our attention has been placed on a different experience. These days, many are examining what it means to be an observer and how depending on your intentions seems to shift the interaction of humanity and electrons. This may sound quite quantum, but this is where the evolution of consciousness is heading. Evolving your life involves turning your attention to the expansions of growing and continuations of awareness about eternally flowing consciousness that you desire.

The evolution is also beyond what is typically considered when faced with words like evolution and consciousness. It is more than a PhD, more than soul, awakening or enlightenment. Hidden in the aspect of perception is an awareness of ‘consciousness’ being much more than we ‘thought’ (than we are taught) s that of ‘consciousness streaming through us’. Did your programmed mind think that idea was awful? Streaming through? Well, as quiet as its been kept, that is what your data is doing all the time. Thought forms are all around us and we pick up on them like a cellphone and then consider them ‘our thoughts’. Shifting from ‘thinking’ to ‘consciousness awareness and steaming’ is a huge evolutionary shift. Simply see how when you were born you knew nothing of the external worlds program but even so, your internal consciousness and intelligences were alive. Your tiny body grew into an adult without your doing much except eating and drinking and using the body your were given. It is only later that you start gathering data, words, sentences and perspectives. 

Consciousness is more like a mother’s umbilical cord giving you universal nutrition rather than data chatter. How do you think new consciousness is born? Is it born by universal consciousness. New consciousness awareness eternally flows into receptive beings which is the way out of solidified language stagnancy and into the evolutionary flow of consciousness, and the experience of it.

Outside of routine automatic programmed behaviors and memorization, outside of old myths and legends, ways and practices, is a type of doorway into a new experience. In the case of consciousness evolution, the old doesn’t die. It simply evolves, morphs, merges and gives birth to the new out of what was a type of limited toddler level of experience – imitation. This is not an insult. It is a reality. If you honestly look at humanity as a whole, you can see a young humanity overall that are still relying on imitation rather than evolutionary visionary reception. You may not be one of the young. You may be advanced to a teenager or young adult. Maybe you are an elder or spiritual practitioner who is beyond collective data chatter. In the consciousness evolution we move into continued growth. While still using data we’ve collected we add an experience that is beyond levels of imitation which is receiving new streams of consciousness. The only shift required is your attention. You can study what is written but know that it is not concrete. Alongside of what is written is personal internal core consciousness receptivity.

Like being small children who learn how to walk, evolving your life is the next step from wherever you are on those previous adventures because it is a step forward. Yes, there is always more in the area of a consciousness evolution, no matter the category, from the first realization of waking consciousness to taking on new and expanded consciousness experiences on a more quantum, cosmic and galactic level. This is exciting for those who love new experiences, especially now in the times of a world-wide lockdown of sorts. You never have to be bored on a consciousness expansion journey, even in a lock down because the transference happens within. Previously, humanity was so busy that there was no time to step into the ‘something more’ beyond the media chaos.

Beyond the documented ideals of what humanity should be is what we actually are and what we can live. Humanity is nowhere near arriving at the end of an eternal consciousness quest and it has barely begun. This is good. Refreshing new doors await us all. Yes, there is more. After gaining the previous experiences of memorizing, humanity naturally moves into the next set of advances, those of Evolutionary Consciousness Development for creating the new views. The time is even riper than previously for the continued generation of new consciousness. You can go and know deeper and more expansively now. Call it the next new in the eternal newness. The question concerning where to go after an awakening or after enlightenment, even the sense of being bored with the way things are, is being answered now. The continuation of the evolution of consciousness and consciousness expansion is on the move. Movements of consciousness are key. 

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