Life movement as it is being used here, is a new insight for raising up internal sister core consciousness vibrancy through expanding and evolving perception from limited consciousness perspectives. It is a movement out of worn out ways of thinking and perceiving even those which claim to be new. It does not imply exercise of the body as movement, although this is good for you. It does not imply movement of the mind although collecting new data verses old dark age data is also healthy. It takes you out of the idea of ‘this is who I am’ which is an old perspective in movement to a new recognition about evolutionary living and seeing like an evolutionary. Try it out. Say ‘this is who I am’ and then say ‘I am an evolutionary sister’. You are not made of concrete and damned to a man-made mold. You are always growing and evolving so an idea of ‘this is who I am’ is an detouring ‘thought’ and not a reality because you are truly not who you were yesterday and when you take on this perspective, life consciousness can evolve as well as your sister life experiences. Any path you currently walk and any angle of perspective your currently see from can experience evolutionary movement. It is a type of ‘movement’ about ‘movement’.

In ‘Sister Eyes Your Life‘ you can experience how what you’ve been taught to ‘think’ is not a defining reality and instead of attempting to ‘change’ your thoughts, you consider how seeing inner perceptional movement as consciousness in movement is like bringing up stored treasure. Movement as treasure implies internal perception riches.  You can discover how a system of language and education makes you think as you do and internal core sight, voice and vision births new options for a new lifestyle beyond ‘what is written’ and this is healthy since routines and old dark age thinking can hinder and hold up life movement and old expectations can weigh you down. The problem has been spoken of for years, but not the new view, what’s next and the method. Authenticity has been spoken of but not the evolutionary movement of authenticity.

Some people prefer that everything stays the same but this type of everyday assurance is considered stagnancy when discussing Life Movement. Stagnancy is not healthy. Simply picture a stagnant puddle, pool or pond. How about sedentary jobs or couch potato life styles? Movement means you step out of the limitation brought on by stagnancy. Your body will show up at the job but your new internal core perspective will come with you as if LIFE within has come alive. You will do your chores and even hang out with the same friends who say the same things over and over which becomes routine but your shift to the experience is with internal life movement consciousness. A new conversation with life consciousness opens doors. Prayer and spiritual practices can even become routine but enlivened again with internal vibrancy come alive. Even positive attitudes can become routine and limited but when seen in new ways become re-enlivened. In the current evolution, new ways appear for advancing your life out of repetition perspective as step one. It is the power of progressive perception consciousness. This is different from changing your thinking or an old ideal of death and rebirth to change your life. It is the recognition of eternal movement within your center.

As the west took on Eastern practices, new words aligned with movement as they came into awareness. Ascension is a movement. Enlightenment is a movement. Redemption is a movement. None of these streams of consciousness were ever meant to be destinations but old western thinking makes them destinations. The aim of ascension, enlightenment and redemption was to move you out of programming into ‘movement consciousness’ and show you that movement brings health, expansion and new experiences. Once you realize you can move anything, you can add ‘movement consciousness’ as a living breathing reality in your life experience.

Each of the spiritual paths mentioned, suggest different types of movements and because this is, arguments can arise between practitioners concerning which direction is correct, even if those arguments are in your own mind. Ascension implies an upward movement. Enlightenment implies emptying and Zen implies mindfulness as a movement. Some paths utilize stillness which is only a move into being still but the silence speaks of many life movements. Redemption implies a movement toward purification and improvement which are words which imply something is broken when you are not broken. It is the dark age language which placed deceptions on good intentions but more on that at another time. This is why something like higher consciousness evolves into expansion consciousness in the evolution. In expansion ideals you do not know which direction the movement implies. It suggests that any and every direction is okay. There is no down or less than. The center has risen. You can also see this as stepping out of linear movement into spherical movement. 

The Creative Life Force moves in all directions. All types of creativity contain power in the form of Life Movement. This does not imply crafting and the arts although they are included in the use of the word creativity. It means taking on life perspectives which have consciousness stimulus abilities that can move life. This is different from imagining a new life according to what is in the external world of choice. By using perspective treasures, your same life can evolve from the inside out.

Knowing that there is an excitement in living with the movement of evolutionary and expansive consciousness and how to utilize it can stimulate every part of your life. Imagine that it became natural to ask others how their consciousness expansion is going or what they discovered lately. Consciousness regeneration reality exists and the wise elders and shamans of old have shown everyone that there is power within us to be utilized while others mistakenly interpreted power to be limited to the external. Can you sense the power in internal life movement and discovering your inner life power capabilities? This evolution of consciousness is a time of going deeper, wider and into further human skills of evolutionary perception. We are tomorrow’s shamans, seers, evolvers, inventers, way showers and more, but evolutionary ones. The continuum never ends. See this, live this and teach continuation to yourself and pass it on to the children.

Suggested Next page…. What is a Life Evolution

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