The short definition to the question, ‘what is a life evolution’ is that a life evolution means everything you are now gains evolution essence, evolutionary perspective, evolutionary vibration and resonance, evolutionary spirituality and more. Everything you are becomes enhanced. You can enter new and evolved experiences of you in an evolutionary way.

A Life Evolution means you gain more of your authentic inner self treasures which have always been there but needed the evolution in order for you to look for it and see. In so doing, many life experiences will be effected by your evolutionary magnetism, evolutionary influence and evolutionary innovative power, inwardly and externally. Evolution doesn’t mean you change yourself as if something were wrong. You evolve. You enter evolutionary life movement. There is a beauty in the fact that an evolution moves forward, not backward as well as evolving how you ‘perceive’ is the empowerment key here. There is no fixing or changing or judging, only the gift of perceiving with the eye of expansion. The sister eye of expansion and examining evolutionary views for stimulus and consideration is the sister aim.

In the current system of learning we are all taught to believe the researchers and discoverers, the philosophers, etc. We are not taught the beauty of new recognitions from within ourselves. We are made to believe someone else has to lead us and that what is written is always the destination. Granted, a highly populated world requires order but not the demand to lose core creative power which evolves life. Imagine humanity operating on order and inner sanctum intelligence combined. Social demands alone create a stagnancy perception because if there is no movement on a larger evolutionary scale, everything stays the same. Picture stagnant water. Yukky, right? Then picture river water flowing. Most everyone loves the experience of flowing water. The world perspective stays stuck in dualistic ideals of leaders and followers, slaves and masters, rather than evolutionary perceivers and experiencers. The world of order feels threatened but doesn’t have to fear. This is why perception evolves the human experience in a Life Evolution. You gain inner perceptional enhancement and see the value of personal perceptions rising up like flowers coming into bloom. Most everyone loves flowers. Those who have allergies could reflect the world of order which doesn’t like new blooms. Personal perceptional evolution will eventually evolve to worldwide respect for individual insight which is what the world needs now. Imagine all the hidden treasures buried in humanity, hiding out because we have been taught to follow rather than expand our consciousness.

Perception, as it is used in the evolution, is a quest of query. You ask questions to discover liberations. Does your idolizing others keep you idle? Does your waiting for new thought leaders stop you from thinking for yourself? Does your wishing stop you from doing? There are endless questions which can stimulate evolutionary awareness and life movement. By evolving your seeing to even simple recognitions, you broaden your awareness and consciousness in order to step out of the repetitious old mechanized fog, blocking out the sunshine in your life. Millions love to wake up to a sunny day. You can also have bright perspectives, clear and usable as evolutionary energy. Use the metaphors within yourself to discover fog and sunshine, storms and the clear sky, flowing and stagnant water. While that might all sound rather cliché, clearing the sight line to the expanded view is a valuable skill, always and continually, which means you can use it over and over without it becoming a stagnant ideal. Those who made it sound cliché are those who prefer stagnancy.

Unblocking stagnancy is an evolutionary act. Continually unblock anything that stops you from seeing the evolutionary movement. Movement is life. Making a way for movement is a wise choice. Consciousness movement, awareness movement and perceptional movement can evolve your career, evolve things at home, among friends or even your view of nature and spiritual experiences, as well as all of the above. Your daily encounters can take on new meaning and thus, randomly open new doors. Most people love other happy celebratory people. Your evolutionary happiness increases you evolutionary magnetism. The evolution has the power to influence and uplift in this way and others. A life evolution is different than positive thinking which is wishful thinking rather than experiential perceiving which creates a new experience.

Consider the following quotes:

Philosopher and Psychologist, William James wrote in The Letters of William James (1920), “Most people live, whether physically, intellectually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul’s resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger.” He also says, “As life goes on, there is a constant change of our interests, and a consequent change of place in our systems of ideas, from more central to more peripheral, and from more peripheral to more central parts of consciousness.”

Dion Fortune, Mystic and Evolutionary wrote in her book The Cosmic Doctrine, “…there may be more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy, and that evolution may now be bringing it within reach of human consciousness.”

Just as there are many things in the external world we do not know about, but can learn, we all have parts of our nature which still remains hidden and can be revealed, as does the universe contain unending hidden consciousness streams. Our proof is that the recognitions keep coming. Continual existence of such revelations exist. We are all living the reality that evolutionary movement is real. Is this in your perception? Can you see it? Does it move you? Are you in evolutionary movement in regards to consciousness. For example, did you think the word evolution only meant something like apes becoming two-legged and less haired humans? The word, evolution, can be used in many other ways as can any other word. You can even make new words. 

In the evolution, new tools arrive. There are meditation practices of old, but there are now new perceptional practices. For example, one might have previously meditated on silence. This has grown to quantum meditation on your cellular reality and neurotransmitter connections. The valuable element in the consciousness evolution journey is that these hidden parts are in us and have the ability to move us along when we look for them. This requires something as simple as a new view and the new view reveals a new tool or new method. Your evolution begins with knowing it is possible. Those who drive know how to drive down a road. Those who seek know how to seek. Those who wish to evolve will also come to know how to accomplish it. This occurs through gaining evolution consciousness which is a consciousness stream which leads to many more.  Feeling and seeing in new ways are marvelous evolutionary experiences.

Consciousness awareness is a working element and skill within you. It utilizes recognition. This is a power word in the evolution. Not just recognizing something external or within but utilizing the jewel of recognition as much as the jewels of evolution consciousness. If you refuse to experience expansion, you won’t. It is there for all, but you have to utilize the new gifts, the jewels, the tools, the models or methods. What matters most and firstly is using ‘recognition’ for your benefit. Recognize that you can evolve. For Evolutionary Visionary Empowerment, ‘recognize’ is the word used and is easy to understand. You can go deeper, soar higher, get unstuck, metaphorically swim in evolutionary waters and jump into the evolutionary flow. Prosper by personal and collective recognition.

Suggested Next Page… The Evolving You.