Consciousness receptivity resides within us all. The way to discover this is to look for it.  It is unique from educational learning methods. It is an experience of receiving ‘knowings’ which you didn’t yet know which comes up from within. You may have previously considered this intuition but it is not intuition. These ‘knowings’ are rising from deeper than the feel of guidance from intuition. They can alter your overall consciousness perception because they come from your own inner depths of consciousness. This is also not from what has previously been known as the ‘subtle senses’ or inner sensing.

One clue on whether you are receiving the knowings or not is whether you can envision something new trying to become. This is of crucial importance. We live in an environment which is fairly predictable. One of these common predictions is people promoting buzz words but they have not lived it yet. The ‘knowings’ have also been grabbed and buzzed. You’ll hear many say that they experience the knowings but most declare their psychic abilities to the knowings as if they know something about others. Some sisters understand that the knowings are different from learning through book knowledge. This is true but they cannot explain the knowing to you beyond, I just know. You may ask, know what and they respond, I don’t know, I just know. Maybe they say they know they are not from Earth or that they are a multi-dimensional being but when you ask what does this suggest, they don’t know. Many people follow fads without true realization. Why this is important is because in the evolution nothing can be faked anymore. The knowings are complete with understanding – complete, whole, sharable, etc. Not only is a flood of new light consciousness coming in, a flood of new births shall soon being flooding out.

When you receive the knowings from within, know that it doesn’t exist yet. It has arrived and will grow. The knowings are your personal messages, even if they came from the universe, to you and through you. To receive the knowings and bring them up to voice, you might speak or write what you receive in pieces that are growing a greater puzzle and know that it did not come from your mind’s ideas. It will be news to your own ears, so to say. After a time you will understand it is simply you tapping into the consciousness streams beyond the collective mind of mass indoctrinated data. This is how the evolution of consciousness comes in. It is not imagination. Call it advanced streaming, to use a modern internet term. Through your ‘connection’ or ‘alignment’ with the universe, you begin receiving. As mentioned previously, this requires the skill of advanced inner listening as our listening skills have been dampened by memorization and imitation. 

You can always tell when new reception skills are ready to be utilized by looking into the external world mirror. Terms like streaming reflect to you that ‘consciousness streaming’ can now be experienced. Inner evolutionary desire stimulates the inventions which later create the reflection. This circular movement is one form of evolution stimulus. 

These new reflections came through receptive receiving, reflecting and creating. Once a creation is born it can speak to your internal because it came from internal voice. Inner reality places something in the external so it can reflect back to us what it wishes us to know but the language is only understood by the internal receiver. This back and forth communication is one type of ‘receptive alignment consciousness’. Previously you saw the reflective as ‘so above, so below and so within, so without but there was no connection to soul desire and birthing and reflecting. That which was missing was the reflection and reversal technique for revelation. Most people sought sameness.

Consciousness receptivity is like receiving gifts but most claim ownership rather than enjoying them and receiving consciousness expansion from them. Do you own a reflection of the mountain on the still waters of the lake? While it is true that the reflection was received by you and brought into reality for you through your perception, it wasn’t anything but a reflection for starters. It was a passing gift of nature. Consciousness receptivity understands the language of the reflection. In this case, maybe the inventor of the mirror created it because of the lake’s reflection. Glass is another extended reflection. 

We tend to think things are created for the convenience of all rather than learning from their reflections to all.  Take the ‘microwave’ for example. When it first appeared many resisted on this nutrition killing machine. There is a negative and positive reflection, however. Our species is moving through wave realizations. Long ago, waves were limited to the ocean and then came radio waves and light waves. Instead of looking at the language of waves, many waves become classified as ‘things’ rather than an opportunity for consciousness receptivity. 

Different types of receptivity are here already, such as the ability to receive energy as some energy workers have the skill for. Note here, however, that whatever is known about energy work and chi is also evolving. Other people channel or take in messages directly from the Divine Source, Angels or Ascended Masters. This too is evolving to an evolutionary dialogue. In the evolution, even listening can evolve from listening to your intuition to hearing core intelligence, which is an evolution of intuition. Insight or heart consciousness will also move into the evolution as spiritual practitioners become more and more receptive, not settling for where they are but continuing to the many new experiences they can have. The phrase ‘consciousness receptivity’ is also a number eleven transmission. Numerologically it equals 111. To read more on the transmissions, go to The Transmissions or Number Eleven Messages.

The overall focus of these particular messages is that of evolving to discovering an internal intelligence in your core that is not intuition but an alignment with universal intelligences as well as your own core intelligence. What previously seemed so far away is now much closer. The evolution blossoms for all who will receive from within themselves. It doesn’t have to be as I receive or your neighbor and loved ones receive. It is your way of receptivity, as long as you’re receptive. The type of listening being discussed here is not with the outer ears, nor voices in the head. It is a knowing which is translated through you. It can include being receptive to synchronistic reflections, metaphoric examples or a deep core understanding from within. Receptivity is a human attribute that not everyone has cultivated or even knows they have within themselves. It is waiting, fluid and fertile simply to be recognized and utilized. 

An Interesting Next Step… Tools.

Or, more about the Number Eleven Messages

Or, Transmissions

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