The human experience is moving forward in ways most people do not take into consideration, such as how old thinking is not just personal but collective. In a consciousness evolution, this is an aspect deeply considered. We can all have new experiences when we realize that we are not stuck in the definitions created in the past that are still hiding in our present experiences, defining what is supposed to be experienced.  The new even asks for your new (sister) visions to rise. The future calls for sisters who are new evolutionary seers, the new visionaries and new empowered creators. This call can touch your life experiences with a vibrant renewal. To assist, in the evolution, the ‘definitions’ evolve into a word play of the ‘deafenings‘ so your sister sight willingly turns in. This movement insights new considerations about new evolutionary possibilities rising.

If you are curious about the sister eyes evolution of your life and having new experiences, Evolutionary Visionary Empowerment (E.V.E.)TM is worth looking into. It is for those individuals who are ready for experiencing an evolutionary and visionary consciousness life, filled with personal empowerment that not only touches and elevates the self but reaches into the collective consciousness adding new views into the whole. It is the time of consciousness expansion.

“A world without creative vision, would be a world without Life continuation.”

From the first successful scribes, inventors and tool makers, humanity has continued as creators on this planet for species survival. Rare were sisters in this group but today you are. Each step of the way travels into new human needs which require new vision. When sisters take the male actions for granted, leaving themselves out, thinking other people are the new thought leaders or that other people make the latest models in technology or design new fashion, agricultural products, food packaging, etc., for marketing purposes, we miss our own sister empowerment as well as the need for evolutionary consciousness tool makers – sisters who bring new sights for techniques, templates, models and methods for living. We are not copying the masculine. We are being called to sister expression. You do not have to be manufacturers of goods. You can simply be creators of better living styles for business, spirituality and relationships or how to see things as a perception healer. You can create new words and new stories which touch others. You can also invent if you receive such a vision. The motivator is your internal core womb sister generated vision.

In this millennia, the rise of leadership is all around us as a way to make money but this sister rise says more. The Internet exploded with followers, then life coaches and thought leaders who each copied a template for talking and coaching. More and more ‘copy-cat following syndromes’ programmed others. Sisters shall bring the wisdom of continuation and the rise of authenticity which can flow now.  There is more to see in a copycat syndrome of online marketing templates used by people who need money. It says something about what humanity is ready for – NEW TYPES OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP, variations, variables and the value of authenticity beyond old ideas of authenticity.

The time of the copy-cat is fading away as people begin to see the need for the next step. Endless creativity will be needed. A new type of humility arises as the vastness of the possibilities reveals itself as a vastness which is eternal in scope, a movement which is eternally unfolding. This place is beyond thinking one knows it all or is so smart. It is a humbling in the face of vast consciousness and intelligences humanity has yet to even consider. In that vast we are the pieces of the new picture. In our children’s lives they are the new pieces to a next picture. It will be crucial that they know this reality of continuation rather than ideals of mental enslavement, copy-cat behavior, Armageddon type destruction or the ideals of opposition in the world. Teach the children and know for yourself that everyday is a beginning that has arrived.  Teach them and know for yourself that words can be deceptive and we are allowed to make new words and new meanings. Yes, you are allowed to redefine words, but better said, ‘redesign the consciousness awareness of the world’, beginning with recognizing you are a sister with power for birthing new consciousness streams, ideals and insights.

Evolving what is being said to a sister version is also part of the evolution. You’ve probably heard of expanding your consciousness and awareness. When sister seen, a new view and vision arises beyond any previous evolutionary definition of movement. This involves sister creative vision because expansion steps beyond what is written. What is written about consciousness expansion is a masculine version. Millions follow what is written while the new sister perceiver seeks what has not been brought into the collective yet. This is the same way that the previously unknown came to be. Everything has a beginning. Like each child born is authentic, your new sister visions shall also be authentic.

Living life fully is more accessible with creative vision. Solving problems becomes ‘evolution’ with creative vision. Invention requires creative vision. New perspectives need creative vision. Even just getting along with one another sometimes requires evolutionary creative vision. You each have this wonderful attribute of creative vision within you. It is a matter of connecting to what is nesting within you, fertilized in the quiet, brought to life by vision consciousness.

Every new creative vision no matter how large or tiny is valuable, not only because it moves each visionary forward, evolving self and others as needed, each creation also moves how we view the world and our lives within it. This evolution asks for a consciousness which sees how each vision touches the entire world and how you are needed. This is different from trying to save the world. It is a shift to understanding that a whole puzzle will never be complete without your piece and if pieces are about each person’s new vision, the bigger picture also changes. You can see how this will not require self-arrogance but inner empowerment of confidence in giving birth to the new. This evolution shifts arrogance and ego know-it-all mentality to ‘knowing the inner vast evolutionary visionary consciousness humbly’. This occurs because in this evolution we find out that we are not thinking it up, but experiencing being the vessels of the creative. These fine lines of new insight will literally evolve many. This evolution moves our visionary capabilities into the next series of evolutionary sight and creation tasks. It all works together for forward movement.

So, if you are thinking you are not creative or able to envision what needs to come to life, stop that. Know that the task is listening and seeing, not thinking. Thinking is not what we’ve previously ‘thought’. The past has been about what data we’ve collected that determines our mind’s juggling abilities. The only reason you think (data juggle) the idea that you cannot create or be a visionary is because the evolutionary perspective awaits your recognition about data after thousands of years of old indoctrinated data collecting. Know that old ‘thinking’ is becoming outdated and new ‘seeing’ is here. Evolutionary Visionary Empowerment (E.V.E.)TM  is about looking, seeing and evolving so you can experience the new data which comes through pure universal sister born consciousness streams.

Creativity is in you like a seed, but not in the same metaphors. Many old definitions and ideals create fallow ground where nothing will grow. Consider how cement and water will have two different effects on your seed. If you are supporting concrete thinking it will be difficult if not nearly impossible to sprout your seed. If you are nurturing fluidity, your seed can sprout. Evolving from concrete thinking to fluid is fairly easy. Cement places blinders upon perspective. Moving your perspective forward can be as easy as pulling up the blinds in your window at home to see the larger world outside. Step one is to recognize the blinds were closed. Step two is that the world you come to see is not about millions of people and a perspective war. It is about universal expansions of consciousness awareness – a new clear, clarity, creativity, hope, vision, new horizons, not as words in the wind but as streams of consciousness which flow differently than deafenings.

Creativity and evolving perspective are each other’s helper. The E.V.E. perspective can assist in keeping your sister eyes wide open and alive within you for raising up new vision, not just for making things, but for empowering your life. One of the E.V.E. techniques is a style of approach that uses a Life-Giver paradigm for discovering what and how to create from within yourself, from your personal sister eyes vision. It brings the revelation of consciousness birthing. Another approach is in questioning that which cannot be answered and receiving an answer. Yes, mysteriously the answers come like roads you have not driven but also lead somewhere. The internal vision spoken also brings joy and amazement because you come to see more than what the external eyes allow you to see. For those of you who already know the great importance of this type of inner creative vision and inner sight for life’s continuation, E.V.E. assistance stimulates new creations because it is time for a step past even the most recent movements in perspectives as the evolutionary movement is a beautiful continuation. This eternal movement is an evolutionary consciousness of endless continuation which never ends and always advances. New visions stay but continue to mingle and more mingling or unions create new births.

The Creative Force brings renewed activity and is generous in this regard, bringing the new consciousness streams we need for new life adventures. A threshold has opened that involves the three E.V.E. attributes which form an inner alignment of three types of consciousness: Evolutionary Consciousness, Visionary Consciousness and Internal Empowerment Consciousness for bringing in the new. Each of you contain evolutionary, visionary power.

E.V.E. Courses coming soon….