If you hear the term ‘consciousness evolution’ what comes to mind?

What is consciousness to you?

While the idea of change was discussed briefly on the ‘What’s it All About’ page, the idea continues. Do the two words ‘change’ and ‘evolution’ have different feels for you? What is that difference?

You can add a variety of words to evolution and change to see the difference. Take the examples ‘job evolution’ or ‘dance evolution’. How about a ‘love evolution’? Now call them ‘job change’, ‘dance change’ and ‘love change’. See the difference? Can you feel the difference? This new way of seeing can touch anyone, young or old. Imagine a 5 year old telling you they evolved today. Imagine the beauty of an entire world embracing a consciousness evolution rather than thinking there is something wrong with them in which they have to ‘change’.

Another example worth review in a consciousness evolution is how words affect you as you saw with the words ‘change’ and ‘evolve’. Language has power. Words have definitions that are connected to assumptions and hidden intentions. When you hear a word, for the most part it will have a meaning you recall even though it has other meanings. This fact is not only missed by many but exploited by those who see the power of words. Using ‘evolutionary consciousness’ this can become ‘language consciousness’ as well as ‘word use consciousness’.

The marketing industry knows how words can manipulate the mind of the consumer. Today some claim a word for their branding. For the marketing person, they are happy if one word points to them but take the words Trinity or Logos. It pulls you to religions or branding symbols called logos, or the Matrix movie and Neo saving Trinity. This is another thing this evolution is revealing – how old stories can limit and why new words and stories have power – as was mentioned. Words get paraded around by people with agendas as well as words get thrown into chaos for confusion agendas. The evolution of consciousness helps free you from these traps.

Charlatans also know the power of words. They use words emotionally in order to draw people into following them. This is even done with music. Think of Pan and his flute. Music is very emotional. However, if it can  lead astray, it can also heal. What is needed is a discernment through ’emotion consciousness’. The consciousness evolution is bringing in many new elements of seeing and knowing manipulations and perception healing. If you know the tricks you can avoid them and write new stories for self-empowerment.

Depending on how large the old agendas became and how public a word’s old meaning traveled, will determine how deeply embedded the old meaning is within us causing a block from our seeing or hearing anything new. Look again at the word ‘evolution’ and whether it means a biological evolution or technological evolution for you. For this reason the evolution has to be designated a ‘consciousness evolution’ in order to bring clarity. Endless assumptions can fade with the evolution’s clarifications. Clarifications heal rifts. Assumption has caused literal wars.

Author, Ambrose Bierce, called the dictionary:

“A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic.”

For this reason elasticity will be added to your language experience in the evolution. Even though we are allowed to make new meanings for old words in language, which is called neologism, you need to know the new usage for it to have beneficial guidance. A clarification is necessary. Any word can evolve, but our mind likes to hold on to old meanings and assumptions. This is another reason for a ‘consciousness evolution’. Assumption is a type of cement locking you into a trap, tunnel vision and argumentation. When you add the word ‘consciousness’ to any ideal it moves from a definition (deafenings) to ‘consciousness expansions’ and clarity.

Take the word ‘vibration’. Many people cannot apply this word to an expression of self, such as personal vibration. They can imagine cars vibrating under the hood or a pot when water boils, sound vibrations or other things that vibrate, but when asked how is ‘your vibration’ their eyes glass over dumbfounded. That is what concrete definitions do. You can even explain what you mean but they still will not understand. Their sight line, tunnel or box is too small and limiting. The response is limited rather than liberational. There is an element within them which refuses to consider the new and expand their seeing and insight. Due to this limitation, most people only talk to argue their point of view rather than expand by embracing a moment of hearing another’s. And then there is the addition of the word ‘consciousness’. ‘Vibration consciousness’ opens the way to the new but you have to want it and not make another box. Hopefully this helps you see perception stagnancy and evolutionary flow.

Our relationship with words needs an evolution, at least to say that meaning can evolve, so we begin an entirely new approach with language, that of consciousness streams instead of meanings. Knowing that there is a wide stream of consciousness awareness for each word can evolve everything. After that recognition becomes popular, all can learn to love hearing alternative points of view and know that it shall commonly be so. Over time the new ideal of consciousness will arrive in the collective as well as the wisdom that this new experience can also evolve. Nothing has ever been stagnant through the ages and it never will be. the mind was manipulated to think that staying the same was the valid and idealistic way of living. Perspective got stuck and seeing why can easily unstick it. Call it a glitch.

The difficulty has been because people cannot understand many things to which they have not had a relative experience with. This remained unnoticed, for the most part. The limitation of experience and exposure to expanded versions of those experiences are commonly kept corralled by social agendas. For this reason, the evolution also gives us relative experiences so we may expand out of the corral. A consciousness evolution brings reflective experiences to relate to.

It is important to have a new way of seeing expansion possibilities beyond arguing about meaning. Consciousness allows endless expansion and no one is faulted for their expansions. Simply ask them what they see. An evolutionary experience which opens your awareness to how more is a healthy increase, not hording or consumerism, not a battle or a loss, is evolutionary.

If you desire to evolve and expand your life experience, evolution consciousness can brighten and expand your perspective. One experience with expansion and you’ll see its possibilities. The evolution has brought tools which do that. They are tools and techniques which contain ‘consciousness evolution stimulus’. Consciousness is also stimulated by consciousness.

Suggested Reading Next…. Evolving Perception

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