The first step in ‘The Evolving You’ is to ‘see that you can evolve’ and that it is a consciousness evolution that makes the differences for evolutionary life experiences. The second step is in seeing that the way you perceive in the modern world has been programmed in over thousands of years. Many ‘think’ they are thinking for themselves without regarding where their knowledge comes from. The old collections of data are becoming antiquated.

Beyond the movement of technology seemingly being the evolutionary factor in the external world experience, the world needs new internal evolutionary perspectives. One powerful recognition for the evolution is that the world as we know it today is a masculinized world that lacks ‘sister eyes’ or feminine perspectives and evolutionary leaps can be discovered with ‘sister eyes’ since there are very little sister perspectives in the masculinized world. The predominance of the feminine perspective consists upon what male perspective deems a sister’s/wombyn’s experience should be. Sisters contain a way of seeing and expression that hasn’t been explored and this is partly how the evolution is stimulated.

A large part of the evolution involves seeing that the power of story plays a role and that the sister story is missing from the world records and does well to rise. Also see that the evolution comes in the form of a consciousness expansion like a pregnancy preparing to birth  but in this case the birth is LIFE Consciousness. The evolution is not broadcasted on television, radio and other media platforms. Each of those old ways of transmitting stories is also in need of an evolution. The shortness of the attention span is a modern illness as the age of memes increases. 

Indulging in the writing of new stories, new books and new encounters with evolutionary seers moves the evolution forward.  You can come to sense the new. Humanity has long known the power of stories and myths but forgot to included the making of new stories. Many believe that holding on to the ancient is the greatest wisdom, forgetting that those stories also had a beginning. Through time, the power of stories has dwindled into all types of chatter gathering and media manipulations. You will hear some call this the age of the programmed zombie.

Many people have come to depend on social media and the news for their stories in modern times. Those are not the type of stories which evolve your Life or sister eyes your perception. Hearing new stories about awareness, understanding, perspective and reflection doesn’t get transmitted through the media. Even more unfortunate is how the media controllers are manipulating stories which could evolve the world’s view by sabotaging them. Modern thinking is about data collection, word collections and career jargon. That will remain for now while the world investigates ‘consciousness versus data’. The new stories of empowerment are about a consciousness evolution that occurs within each of us and eventually fragrances the outer world. For this reason, new stories require that you write them and socialize with others who write new stories because the evolution shall require millions of new consciousness insights flowing.

Notice that stories as ‘consciousness’ implies something very different than writing a screen play to sell in Hollywood or to get clicks on drama blogs. The evolution arrives with new light and new stories (perspectives) that can touch your heart, soul, even your bone marrow and cellular memory. Yes, your entire being. It is a reality. When you evolve your consciousness, all of you evolves. Old intentions on words can be evolved. That part is not as complicated as you might think. A new readiness for evolving consciousness through personal story stands in front of us all. These are not stories about days in a life. They are stories about how to evolve out of old stories.

You can see the possibility of a consciousness evolution from your own biological magnificence. The fact that we all begin as cells which naturally multiply and expand the small child body size into adults who spend years growing and developing our minds, hearts and eventually our inward intelligence, shows us this evolutionary movement in everyday reality is natural. It is how we look at it that shifts perspective. Following and creating are very different. Most take this reality for granted but what if you saw it as a reflection for all types of consciousness growth potential. And, the missing sister stories are vast.

The external life reflections for new perceptions are endlessly trying to help us see the potential in our internal consciousness environment and counsel. This is where you can gain many ‘new you’ experiences. The ultimate aim is to look, see and evolve inner perspectives and utilize them, to uncover deeper and deeper parts of you through more and more awareness of a constant eternal evolution of consciousness and how it can touch your life. Many treasures will continually be uncovered once you decide to take on the adventure of evolutionary consciousness. 

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